(1) Unsorted How Telephone Work (***Excellent. Technically in-depth.) TCP/IP Home Networking and File Sharing Tutorial (**Good for beginner.) World of Windows Networking - () The Unofficial 802.11 Security Web Page - (The "Unofficial 802.11 Security Web Page" is worth a bookmark for any security professional in need of a one-stop shop for a variety of wireless security-related resources. The site is organized by a comprehensive list of protocols and standards, with each containing a set of technical documents.) Wireless LAN Installation Steps - () A Short Tutorial on Wireless LANs and IEEE 802.11 - () DIY home networking guides and tutorials - () Yahoo! Groups : wirelesslan - () Azacamis.com (***Excellent. This site is all about broadband, particularly DSL in Singapore) PracticallyNetworked (***Excellent. This site provides practical, easy-to-understand help for small network.)
Scot's Newsletter (***Excellent. covers Windows, broadband, do-it-yourself networking, Microsoft, and the Internet. You'll get insights, analysis, hardware and software reviews, explanations, tips, and straight-shooting advice about desktop computing issues today, and tomorrow. It's information about Windows and broadband you can really use.)
Blocked Download - (Cannot download .zip file caused by an incomplete uninstall of an Internet Explorer add-in, particularly Cheyenne AntiVirus, Netzip, or ZipMagic. Microsoft suggests using REGEDIT to delete the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ Plugins\Extension. Deleting this key, however, may disable other extensions that you want to keep.) SpywareInfo - (***Excellent. Your central location for everything you need to know to protect your privacy on the internet.)
Offline NT Password & Registry Editor, Bootdisk - (???) FireWire Vs. USB 2.0 - (***Excellent) PC Magazine Vendor Research Library - (**Look Good. You'll find everything from reports and whitepapers on the B2B marketplace, 802.11, Windows, Linux and much, much more) The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) - (***Excellent. This website is dedicated to preserving the central coordinating functions of the global Internet for the public good. ) TouchGraph GoogleBrowser V1.01 - (It visualizes networks of interrelated web sites. Simply type in a URL and it will show you graphically how you're connected.) TweakHomePC - (**Good but beware of pop windows & don't accept to install anything. Speed Tweaks for PC & Windows 9x. Updates. Dual-Boot.) Inside Outlook Express - (***Excellent. A source of technical information, help and tips for users of Microsoft Outlook Express? for Windows, versions 5, 5.01, 5.5 and 6. All articles are valid for all these versions unless otherwise stated.)
Vitnet Showcase MrScary's Windows Update Resource Page - (Check the bottom of the page for the most common tips on Windows Update problems.)
WinGuides Network for Windows - (Empowering the Windows operating system.)
Virtual Plastic - (..surgery for Windows. Collected tweaks & links to change the look.) Google Zeitgeist - (Search patterns, trends, and surprises according to Google) myNetWatchman - (myNetWatchman is a service that automatically aggregates the firewall logs from a very large number of computers, analyzes these logs for evidence of hacker or worm attacks, and notifies the ISPs where attacks are coming from. As such, it provides a vital level of internetwork security.)
Keyboard Shortcuts - (for Microsoft FrontPage, Internet Explorer, Office XP, Office 2000, Office 97, PhotoDraw, PowerPoint, Producer, Publisher, Windows, Windows Media Player and Windows MovieMaker.) TweakHound - Optimize Your Computing Experience - (has a very comprehensive collection of tweaks, explanations of what they do, and resources to go deeper)
myImager.com - (your own free everything online image editor! Upload or call images from anywhere on the web and edit them freely with the the dozens of tools and filters that we offer! This is a 100% free service, offered by the great people at Cool Archive.) Help For Linux Novices
The Linux Documentation Project - (LDP is a loosely knit team of volunteers who provide documentation for many aspects of Linux. There are several forms of documentation: Guides, HOWTOs, man pages, and FAQs) LinuxPrinting.org - (have resources to help with printing under free operating systems like GNU/Linux and the BSDs or under commercial UNIX-like systems such as Solaris and OS X. ) OldVersion.com - () (2) Windows Startup Errors "Unable to Load the Dynamic Link Library" Error Message When You Install Drivers or Utilities - (Win98, Win98SE)
Err Msg: Cannot Find a Device File That May Be Needed to Run... - (Win95 OEM SR2, Win95 OEM SR2.1, Win98, WinME)
(3) Free Online Virus Scaning
(4) DSL Resources Navas Cable Modem/DSL Tuning Guide? - (***Excellent. In depth technical information.) Frequently Asked Questions about DSL (3Com Home & Home Office Solution) - (General technical information on ADSL) WorldLink Internet Service - (Look interesting but I have not reviewed it yet. Technical support page for dial-up and ADSL on Set Up, Troubleshoot, Tutorial/How to, Web Related, Frequently Asked Questions, Other information.) SpeedGuide.net - (" Some of the best Broadband tweaks and Speed patches on the Net " - - Pure PC Performance) |